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  • Tags: Alaska

Governor's Speech Makes Congressional Record

MARC_GTW_v1_n8_1964_Governor's Speech Makes Congressional Record_005.pdf
A short article from Guam Times Weekly that announces that Governor Guerrero's speech towards the Guam Rehabilitation Act is now on public record by way of addition into the Congressional Records, by Congressman Ralph J. Rivers of Alaska

Honor… Or Humor?

MARC_GTW_v1_n8_1964_Honor or Humor_005.pdf
An article from Editor Jose that thanks the actions of Congressman Ralph J. Rivers for adding Governor Guerrero's speech regarding the Guam Rehabilitation Act that the Governor gave to members of Congress. Editor Jose focuses on a specific part of…

Why I Hate Walruses

A short essay about a hiking trip that turned into a walrus-harvesting trip, which was only semi-fruitful.