Xanadu II (1982)


The 1982 edition of Xanadu II continues the tradition of the first Xanadu II, which is to create a culturally inclusive magazine that celebrates different literary genres, academic disciplines, and the cultures and communities on and around Guam. Xanadu II (1982) version has a total of 116 new original works, which include written works written by individuals who are learning CHamoru/Chamorro (Augustin L. Taitano, “Put Gef Maolek Ma' Estra-Ku”), individuals who are learning English (Yonhui Kim, “Never Give Up”), and even notable writers who are known for their contributions (Lavinia Stahl, “Vinnie Ventures to College in 1921”; Robert Underwood, “On Being Chamorro”).
Also included are Chuukese, Yapese and Ulithi songs provided in both the original language and in English. Kosraean shipbuilding/canoe crafting traditions is featured in Betwin C. Alokoa’s non-fiction essay “Building a Kosraean Outrigger Canoe.” Two Micronesian legends published within Xanadu II (1982), which are “Old Man By the Sea: A Kosraean Legend,” as told by Kanston N. Palsis; and “Landed the Land,” by Herzen Ruben.
Xanadu II (1982) also worked closely with the Fine Arts department to develop a portfolio of created works at the center of the magazine.

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Xanadu II (1982)
The 1982 edition of Xanadu II continues the tradition of the first Xanadu II, which was to create a culturally inclusive magazine which celebrated different literary genres, academic disciplines, and the cultures and communities on and around Guam.…

A scene of a jungle done in line art. There is also a latte stone and a tropical bird near the center of the page.

Latte and the Land
The silhouetted image of a latte stone takes up a majority of the left side of the page, with shading blocked in to give the latte more dimension. Above the latte is a stretch of land going across the page. Because of this, it appears that the land…
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