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Muekito & House
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Muekito beside his new house. Note gutter arrangement, and water catchment at left end of the house. This is part of a system that now enables the Rongelapese to store more than twice as much water as they could before,…
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Aerial shot from the lagoon side of Rongelap, showing TLIST 618 in process of unloading. Most of the new homes are just off the breach at the right of ship. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Muektio's Dwelling
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Muektio, allegedly 86 years old though Marshallese birth records do not go back that far, stands beside one of the dwellings used by him and his fellow islanders before the fallout. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Woman & Her Sleeping Mat
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Those last few steps to home are walked by an elderly Rongelap lady with her sleeping mat under one arm. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Community Lunch
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Lunch is served. This meal was provided by TLST 618 because residents had not yet been able to set up their cooking equipment (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Church Interior
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Interior of the new church at Rongelap. Most of the Christian residents of the Marshall Islands are Congregationalist. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Susie the Sow
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Eugene Meece (left), Navy Photographer’s mate, and Plutarch M. Sideris, extension agriculturalist for the Trust Territory are trying to hogtie a hog for shipment to Eniwetok and study by the AEC. Susie got away after this…
Billiett & Radio
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..Billiett and the radio he’ll man when necessary to call “outside” of Rongelap for help or advice. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Bald Child
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..This Rongelap resident just wasn’t happy about the whole thing. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)
Coconut Tree Farm
PEARL HARBOR, T.H…… July 1…..This 13-acre farm plot was cleared for use as a coconut tree nursery. Trust Territory officials hope to introduce enough new farm products so that Rongelap resident will depend less on imports. (OFFICAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO)