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  • Collection: Guam Recorder (New Series) October-December 1971 Volume 1, Number 1

Chamorro Locality Names

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_v.1_no.1_Chamorro Locality Names_9.pdf
An article from Guam Recorder, February 1926, that examines the study of place names of the Mariana Islands and includes a partial list of localities and its English translation.

Father Aniceto Ibanez' Diary Year 1865 - Carolinians

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_Father Ibanez' Diary_9.pdf
Two entries from Father Aniceto Ibanez' diary from August 1865 and March 27, 1870.

Talofofo Cave Writing

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_Talofofo Cave Writing_10.pdf
First Lieutenant F.A. Stephenson's descriptions of petroglyphs (writings on or in stone) found in Talofofo caves and his interpretation of the symbols and figures. The top row of the illustration were partially obscured figures sketched out randomly…

Talofofo Cave Writing Image 1

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_Talofofo Cave Writing Image 1_10.pdf
Examples of petroglyphs. The top row of the illustration were partially obscured figures sketched out randomly by Stephenson. Editor's Note: From the Guam Recorder, April 1936

Acho Yap

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_v.1_no.1_Acho Yap_12.pdf
An article from Guam Recorder, November 1938, that describes the history, physical features, and composition of the Acho Yap, or money of Yap.

Location and Sketch of the San Diego in Ladrones

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_Location and Sketch of the San Diego in Ladrones_13.pdf
An illustration by Brother Marcelo Ansaldo, S.J. that shows the landing of the ship that brought Father Diego Luis de San Vitores and his six Jesuit companions to Guam in 1668. He labeled the map: "Location and sketch of the new coast of San Antonio…

Events that Transpired on June 15, 1668 on the Arrival of the Sanvitores Mission at Agana Bay

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_Events Transpired Sanvitores Mission_14.pdf
Translated copy of Brother Marcelo Ansaldo's letter to the Queen, Mariana de Austria, that describes the events on June 15, 16, and 17, 1668 at Agana Bay, which include the arrival of Father Diego Luis de Sanvitores on the Islands de los Ladrones,…

Father Aniceto Ibanez' Diary

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_v.1_no.1_Father Aniceto Ibanez' Diary_17.pdf
Various diary entries by Father Aniceto Ibanez from 1850, 1855, 1867, and 1869 about specific people and events on Guam, Saipan, and Tinian.

Historical Documents from Mexico

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_v.1_no.1_Historical Documents From Mexico_18.pdf
An article that notes the retrieval of microfilm copies of Guam's history from the Archivo General de la Nacion in Mexico.

Historical Documents from Mexico Image 1

MARC_GuamRecorder_n.s._Oct-Dec 1971_Historical Documents From Mexico Image 1_18.pdf
An image of a facsimile and the English translation of one of the "reales cedulas"