Browse Items (1 total) Tags: 50 Thousand or 75 Thousand Survey Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added $50,000 or $75,000 Survey? An article by Editor Manuel L. Jose. Editor Jose presents the concern in which taxpayers on Guam may have to collectively pay between $20,000 to $25,000 from a special project that Governor Guerrero and his administration; this project will be… Tags: 50 Thousand or 75 Thousand Survey, aerial surveys, article, Assistant Secretary Rudolph Sablan, Congressman Jesus C. Okiyama, contract work, Department of Land Management, Editor Manuel L. Jose, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Honolulu, land surveys, May 9 1964, Pacific Governor’s Convention, property, property lines, Special Assistant Ed Engledow, volume 1 number 13, Waikiki Featured Item Annai Taya Eskuela A short story written in CHamoru about children's activities during a day off from school.