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  • Tags: Albert Nobriga

Leo Cespedes

MARC_GTW_v1_n34_1964_Leo Cespedes_010.pdf
Leo Cespedes, an associate planner for the Department of Land Management, Government of Guam, receives his American Red Cross card from Guam Chapter Executive Secretary Albert Nobriga for the successful completion of his 50 mile swim in a ‘Swim and…

Red Cross Certificates Awarded to Young Swimmers Photo 2

MARC_GTW_v1_n30_1964_Red Cross Certificates Awarded to Young Swimmers Photo 2_021.pdf
Beginner Swimmers in Merizo receive Red Cross certificates and pins from Water Safety Instructor Albert Topsna, left, of the Department of Public Safety and Albert Nobriga, right, executive secretary of the Guam Chapter, American Red Cross. Thirty…