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  • Tags: Chapel

View of Chapel

Rec. 17 Aug 1945; Exterior View of Chapel Where Worshippers of All Faiths Assemble

St. William's

Tumon Bay, Guam: St. William's Chapel.

School girls at Asan Chapel
School girls pose in front of Asan chapel.

San Isidro

Malojlo, Guam: San Isidro Chapel.

Roadside Chapel
Roadside chapel

Navy Log Weekly Photo 8

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IN APPRECIATION – Chaplain Panko presents Mrs. Lila Burdett with a certificate of appreciation for the work done by her and her daughter Michele in the Protestant Chapel Program at NCS. – (U.S. Navy Photo)

Military Chapel

Military chapel made from quonsets

Guam Choral Society Announces Rehearsals

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The Guam Choral Society will begin rehearsals on Tuesday for their dedication concert for the new Andersen AFB Chapel

Air Force Community Weekly

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This week’s, November 28th, 1964, Air Force Weekly: Blood Quota Reached, TSgt. Franklin C. Lewis Jr. and personnel from Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron fulfilled Andersen’s blood donation quota; AAFB Seal Campaign ‘Off to Good Start’, Maj.…

A Wayside Chapel
A thatched roof chapel that sits on the wayside./ Smithsonian Report, 1902. –Safford. Plate III, Fig. 2.
Date: Around 1900
From W.E. Safford, Guam and its people. Smithsonian Annual Report, 1902, pp. 493-508. Reprinted from American Anthropologist…