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- Tags: Department of Land Management
$50,000 or $75,000 Survey?
Tags: 50 Thousand or 75 Thousand Survey, aerial surveys, article, Assistant Secretary Rudolph Sablan, Congressman Jesus C. Okiyama, contract work, Department of Land Management, Editor Manuel L. Jose, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Honolulu, land surveys, May 9 1964, Pacific Governor’s Convention, property, property lines, Special Assistant Ed Engledow, volume 1 number 13, Waikiki
Leo Cespedes
News Weekly From the Governor's Office
Tags: 1963 Business Census, 1963 Censuses of Business, Ada, Agat, Andersen Air Force Base, Barrigada, Barrigada Elementary School, Bill 185, Bill 201, Bill 265, Campo, Chalan Pago, Chalan Pago Elementary School, Dededo, Dededo Elementary School, Denver Dickerson, Department of Finance, Department of Land Management, Dickerson, East-West Interchange Center, Florencio T. Ramirez, GMH, Government, Government of Guam, Government Releases, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Legislature, Guam Memorial Hospital, Guam Police, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Hawaii State Hospital, Hechanova, Ignacio M. Reyes, J.W. Steadman, Jesus, Jesus C. Okiyama, Kaleb, Ken Suehiro, Legislature, Lekai Hospital, Lt. A.C. Ada, Lt. Exequiel Campo, Lt. Mariano Morales, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, March 7 1964, Maria Jesus, Marine Drive, Merizo, Merizo Elementary School, Morales, Mrs. Email Kaleb, Mrs. Luz Hechanova, News Weekly From the Governors Office, Okiyama, Piti, Police, Proclamation No. 64-2, Proclamation No. 64-3, Ramirez, Red Cross, Red Cross Month, Rehabilitation Center, Republic of the Philippines, Sinajana, Social Security Administration, Steadman, Suehiro, Tax Audit, the School for Exceptional Children, typhoon, Typhoon Karen, Typhoon Olive, volume 1 number 3, Yona
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Governor Proposes ‘Marginal Loans’ – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero said that he will ask the upcoming session from the Seventh Guam Legislature on…
Tags: article, Bank of America, Bank of Hawaii, Benson I. Hattem, California, cycad palm, David Slipher, Dededo, Denver Dickerson, Department of Land Management, Director of Guam Health, Dr. L.T. Kurland, Dr. William Peck, Fadang, Federal Housing Administration, FHA, Government of Guam, Government of Guam Retirement Service, Governmental release, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, GovGuam, Grove Fox, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Honolulu, Kaiser, Kaiser Hawaii Kai Development Corporation, Marianas, May 16 1964, National Institutes of Health, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Oakland, Piti, San Francisco, Seventh Guam Legislature, Sinajana, Stowell Wright, Urban Renewal, volume 1 number 14, Yona