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U.N. Day Features Essay Contest
Lagrimas F. Aflague announced the judges in the U.N. Day Essay Contest, with finals being on October 21st to 23rd. Preliminary judging will be held within the students own schools. Judges are Joaquin C. Arriola, Tony Palomo, Janice J. Beaty, Antonio…
The Top Guam Baseball Players of the 20's and 30's
Guam’s top baseball players during the 20’s and 30’s./From left, standing: Jose (Icha) Guzman, Manuel (Cabesa) Flores, Felix (Lele) Calvo, Jose (Yellow Taxi) Guzman, Juan (Korori) Taitano, Jose (Gonga) Perez and Segundo (Pakito) Leon…
Leaving the Parochial house
Leaving the parochial house. Bro. Jesus, Pascual Artero, Bishop Olano, Fr. Alban, Fr. Serafin, Vicente Martinez, Luis Duenas (father of Fr. Duenas), Fr. Blas, J.M. Torres, Pedro Martinez, Fr. Roman, James H. Underwood./On landing: Antonio Calvo in…
The Capuchin Brothers and Priests
Row 1: Eugenio, Alban, Bishop, Ferdinand and Gil./Row 2: Seraphin, Theophane, Duenas, Bro. Jesus./Row 3: Xavier, Roman, Vicente, Bernabe.
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Atan Ya Un Taitai

A fill-in-the-blank workbook in the CHamoru language, useful for classrooms focussed on critical thinking and vovabulary memorization in CHamoru