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- Tags: GC 82
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Night Firing of 155 MM Rifle
29 July 1944; Night firing of 155mm rifle. Photographed by Cpl. A.F. Hager, Jr.
Tags: GC 82, Guam, Night Firing, Rifle
Marines Unloading Equipment
23 July 1944; 3rd Amph Bn.; Marine amphibious Duck pulls two jeeps ashore down Coral Beach to the road. In background Marines are getting drums of gasoline off lighters and floating them ashore. LCT's in background are unloading on reef. By T/Sgt.…
Tags: Coral Beach, Equipment, GC 82, Guam, Offshore
Marines in Clean-Up Operation
7 July 1944; 2nd Mar Div; Marines Clean-Up; Marines clean up the surviving Japanese on the northern end of the Island of Saipan. Tanks have almost finished their job and Marine infantrymen move in to mop up. Photographed by Sgt. Opper
Ships Burning
2 July 1944; 2nd Mar Div; Ships burning in Tanapag Harbor near Garapan. These ships had been partly destroyed by pre-invasion action but were set afire later when it was discovered that the Japanese were using them as machine gun and mortar nests to…
Tags: GC 82, Saipan, Ships Burning, Tanapag Harbor
Disabled Armored Amphibious Tractor Disabled
Armored Amphibious tractors knocked out the first day of the Saipan operation lay along the beach devestation on the second day.
Tags: Armored Amphibious Tractors, Beach, GC 82, Saipan
Marines With Plaque "U.S. Marine Barracks Naval Station Guam"
5 August 1944; Home Again; Colonel Merlin F. Schneider (kneeling, left), Commanding Officer of the Marine unit that recaptured the Marine Barracks on Guam, holds the plaque that was removed by the Japanese when they took possession of the barracks…
Marines Mop Up Operations
2 August 1944; Marines mopping up Tinian Island drop into firing positions when the enemy is sighted. The Leatherneck in the foreground, who took advantage of a shell crater has just fired his rifle. The others, using a kneeling position, are ready…
Tags: Firing Position, GC 82, Marines, Tinian
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I Duhendes Yan I Denggat
A CHamoru story of a boy who learns how they got their family name "Donggat", which is mushroom in CHamoru