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- Tags: Guam Rehabilitation Bill
What Could Be Guam's Economic Future?
Tags: A.B. Won Pat, Agana, Air Terminal Building, American Institute of Planners, Apra Harbor, article, Australasia, Australia, Bureau of Customs Marine Circular No. 214, Cabras Island, cattle, Chamber of Commerce, Coconut, commercial fishing, Commercial Port, copra, Coproducts Corporation, cow, dairy, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Health, Department of Interior, Dominion Navigation Company, economic program, Editor Manuel L. Jose, finances, Fish, fish industry, fishing, Galvez Bank, goat, Government of Guam, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Harbor Development Study, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Honolulu, House Appropriation Committee, Japan, Korea, Long Range Economic Development Plan, May 2 1964, Merizo, Military, MSTS, Navy, Navy Ship Repair Facility, New Zealand, Pacific Area Travel Association, Pacific Far East Line, Peru, Philippines, Pig, San Francisco, Santa Rosa Bank, Sixth Guam Legislature, swine, Taiwan, Trust Territory, Tudor Engineering Company, Typhoon Karen, Typhoon Olive, U.S. Coast Guard, Umatac, volume 1 number 12, wharf, What Could Be Guam’s Economic Future, Winfield K. Denton, World War Two, WWII, Yellow Mottle Decline
Editorial Comment
Tags: business, economic crisis, economic plan, economics, Editorial Comment – The Governor’s Solution to Our Economic Ills, finances, Government, Government of Guam, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Indians, Long Range Economic Development Plan, Manhattan Island, Master Economic Development Plan, May 2 1964, money, tax, tax exemption, trinkets, volume 1 number 12, What Could Be Guam's Economic Future
Fact...Fiction...Or Fancy
News Weekly from the Governor's Office Photo
Tags: April 4 1964, article, Barrigada, C.F. Naputi, Camacho, Chalan Pago, College of Guam, Cristobal, David Flores, Dededo, Department of Agriculure, elementary schools, Fine Arts Building, Flores, G.S. San Augustin, George Washington Junior High, Government, Government of Guam, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Finance and Development Corporation, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Harmon, J.C. Mendiola, J.G. San Nicolas, J.M. Stovall, Joan Merriam, Jorge Cristoabl, Library, Lt. M.D. Perez, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Marine Drive, Mendiola, Meno, Merizo, Merriam, Mongmong, Naputi, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Ordot, Perez, Photo, Proclamation No. 64-7, Public Utility Agency, Red Cross Month, Ricardo t. Guerrero, San Augustin, San Nicolas, School for Exceptional Children, Sgts. E.C. meno, Stovall, Talofofo, Trade and Technical School, V.N. Yalomo, V.Q. Camacho, Vocational Rehabilitation Center, volume 1 number 8, Wettengel, Yalomo
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Tags: April 4 1964, article, Barrigada, C.F. Naputi, Camacho, Chalan Pago, College of Guam, Cristobal, David Flores, Dededo, Department of Agriculure, elementary schools, Fine Arts Building, Flores, G.S. San Augustin, George Washington Junior High, Government, Government of Guam, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Finance and Development Corporation, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Harmon, J.C. Mendiola, J.G. San Nicolas, J.M. Stovall, Joan Merriam, Jorge Cristoabl, Library, Lt. M.D. Perez, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Marine Drive, Mendiola, Meno, Merizo, Merriam, Mongmong, Naputi, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Ordot, Perez, Photo, Proclamation No. 64-7, Public Utility Agency, Red Cross Month, Ricardo t. Guerrero, San Augustin, San Nicolas, School for Exceptional Children, Sgts. E.C. meno, Stovall, Talofofo, Trade and Technical School, V.N. Yalomo, V.Q. Camacho, Vocational Rehabilitation Center, volume 1 number 8, Wettengel, Yalomo
Honor… Or Humor?
Governor's Speech Makes Congressional Record
Tags: Alaska, April 4 1964, article, Congressional Records, Congressman Ralph H. Rivers, Governor Guerrero, Governor Guerrero’s address, Governor’s Speech Makes Congressional Record, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Rivers, volume 1 number 8
Editoral Comment - House Committee Hearings
Tags: April 4 1964, comic, Denton, Editorial Comment, Editorial Comment – House Committee Hearings, Government, Government of Guam, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, satire, Satirical Comic, Urban Renewal Project, volume 1 number 8
The Governor's Report to the People
Pay Bill Increase Signed Photo
Tags: Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Government, Government of Guam, Government Releases, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, March 18 1964, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, volume 1 number 5, Washington D.C.
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Hafa Na Ti Kikuentos I Haggan

A humurous CHamoru short story about why a turtle no longer talks (or makes any animal sounds)