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- Tags: Harvey
Women's Club Sponsors Child Development TV Series Photo
Tags: April 18 1964, article, behavioral issues, Bordallo, child, child development, Children, children’s development, Council on Children and Youth, Department of Education, Department of Public Health, Dr. Clare Walker, Dr. Morris Harvey, Education Committee, Guam Times Weekly, Guam Women’s Club, Hale, Harvey, Hembekedis, KUAM-TV, learning issues, Lourdes Keeley, Madeleine Bordallo, Marianas Association for Retard Children, mental health, New Experience, Nutritionist Department, Our Children, Photo, physical health, Prestige, program, psychology, rearing, Roberto, Rosa Roberto, Ruth Hembekedis, Security, series, Show, Survival Needs, T.V. tv, television, Violet Hale, volume 1 number 10, Walker, Women’s Club Sponsors Child Development TV Series
Women's Club Sponsors Child Development TV Series
Tags: April 18 1964, article, behavioral issues, Bordallo, child, child development, Children, children’s development, Council on Children and Youth, Department of Education, Department of Public Health, Dr. Clare Walker, Dr. Morris Harvey, Education Committee, Guam Times Weekly, Guam Women’s Club, Hale, Harvey, Hembekedis, KUAM-TV, learning issues, Lourdes Keeley, Madeleine Bordallo, Marianas Association for Retard Children, mental health, New Experience, Nutritionist Department, Our Children, Photo, physical health, Prestige, program, psychology, rearing, Roberto, Rosa Roberto, Ruth Hembekedis, Security, series, Show, Survival Needs, T.V. tv, television, Violet Hale, volume 1 number 10, Walker, Women’s Club Sponsors Child Development TV Series
Andersen Art Show Opening Announced
Tags: Adriano P. Pangelinan, Air Terminal Building, Andersen AFB, Andersen Air Force Base, Andersen Art Show Opening Announced, April 11 1964, art, art contest, art show, Berosel, College of Guam, College of Guam Art Department, Guam Times Weekly, Harvey, John Hay Foundation, New York, Patricia Berosel, Pauline Harvey, Professor and Mrs. Dionisio Berosel, Tokyo, Tropicana Service Club, University of the Philippines, volume 1 number 9
Fine Arts Association Elects Officers
The Need for an Island Art Center
Tags: American Federation of Art, April 11 1964, art, Communication, community, creative expression, drawings, Griek, Guam Times Weekly, Hans Van Weeren Griek, Harvey, paintings, Pauline Harvey, sculptures, the Fine Arts, The Need for an Island Art Center, the Smithsonian Institute, University of Arizona, volume 1 number 9