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- Tags: Hints – From Kay
Woman's Weekly
Better Living
Better Living
Better Living Photo 2
Tags: AAUW, American Association of University Women, American Red Cross, Ann Gabel, Ann I’Anson, article, Barbara Siguenza, bathing suits, Battle of the Drummers, beauty, Better Living, Beverly Kalfas, Bowling, Brenda Wilde, Bridet Macareg, Christine Campbell, Connie Champagne, cooking, Dianne Hinsley, Dorothy Smith, Edwina Jose, Elaine Torres, election, Ester Manibusan, Eunice Loots, Evelyn Zeien, fashion, FAWA, Federation of Asian Women’s Association Convention, Florence Courtney, gardening, Glenda Lytle, Guam Times Weekly, Guam Women’s Club, GWC, health, Hints – From Kay, home, Jan Wilson, Jean Rainbolt, Jean White, Jeanne Wright, Jeannette Strunk, Joan Tabor, Judy McKay, Judy Tabor, Kathy Grove, Kathy Weaver, Kay Dowdey, Linda Taitano, Madeleine Bordallo, Mary Lou Johnson, May 9 1964, May Warden, NCS CPO Club, OPOWC, Orote Point Officer’s Wives Club, Pat Krause, photos, Recipe of the Week, Red Cross, Red Cross Donation, Red Cross Drive, Red Cross fund, Ronald Hull, Rosa Roberto, Rosalie Bordallo, Rosemary Bamba, social events, Sophia Novak, sports, Suzanne Hard, Terry Bohot, Terry Santos, Tumon High School, Violet Hale, volume 1 number 13
Better Living Photo 1
Tags: AAUW, American Association of University Women, American Red Cross, Ann Gabel, Ann I’Anson, article, Barbara Siguenza, bathing suits, Battle of the Drummers, beauty, Better Living, Beverly Kalfas, Bowling, Brenda Wilde, Bridet Macareg, Christine Campbell, Connie Champagne, cooking, Dianne Hinsley, Dorothy Smith, Edwina Jose, Elaine Torres, election, Ester Manibusan, Eunice Loots, Evelyn Zeien, fashion, FAWA, Federation of Asian Women’s Association Convention, Florence Courtney, gardening, Glenda Lytle, Guam Times Weekly, Guam Women’s Club, GWC, health, Hints – From Kay, home, Jan Wilson, Jean Rainbolt, Jean White, Jeanne Wright, Jeannette Strunk, Joan Tabor, Judy McKay, Judy Tabor, Kathy Grove, Kathy Weaver, Kay Dowdey, Linda Taitano, Madeleine Bordallo, Mary Lou Johnson, May 9 1964, May Warden, NCS CPO Club, OPOWC, Orote Point Officer’s Wives Club, Pat Krause, photos, Recipe of the Week, Red Cross, Red Cross Donation, Red Cross Drive, Red Cross fund, Ronald Hull, Rosa Roberto, Rosalie Bordallo, Rosemary Bamba, social events, Sophia Novak, sports, Suzanne Hard, Terry Bohot, Terry Santos, Tumon High School, Violet Hale, volume 1 number 13
Better Living
Recipe of the Week – given are the ingredients and recipe for Sukiyaki
AAUW to Install Officers May 23 – Mrs. Antonio Yamashita…
Tags: AAUW, American Association of University Women, American Red Cross, Ann Gabel, Ann I’Anson, article, Barbara Siguenza, bathing suits, Battle of the Drummers, beauty, Better Living, Beverly Kalfas, Bowling, Brenda Wilde, Bridet Macareg, Christine Campbell, Connie Champagne, cooking, Dianne Hinsley, Dorothy Smith, Edwina Jose, Elaine Torres, election, Ester Manibusan, Eunice Loots, Evelyn Zeien, fashion, FAWA, Federation of Asian Women’s Association Convention, Florence Courtney, gardening, Glenda Lytle, Guam Times Weekly, Guam Women’s Club, GWC, health, Hints – From Kay, home, Jan Wilson, Jean Rainbolt, Jean White, Jeanne Wright, Jeannette Strunk, Joan Tabor, Judy McKay, Judy Tabor, Kathy Grove, Kathy Weaver, Kay Dowdey, Linda Taitano, Madeleine Bordallo, Mary Lou Johnson, May 9 1964, May Warden, NCS CPO Club, OPOWC, Orote Point Officer’s Wives Club, Pat Krause, photos, Recipe of the Week, Red Cross, Red Cross Donation, Red Cross Drive, Red Cross fund, Ronald Hull, Rosa Roberto, Rosalie Bordallo, Rosemary Bamba, social events, Sophia Novak, sports, Suzanne Hard, Terry Bohot, Terry Santos, Tumon High School, Violet Hale, volume 1 number 13