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With Jesus
Fr. Long and Michael Benito beside statue.
Tags: Anigua, Catholicism, Fr. Long, home, Jesus, Michael Benito, religion
Leaving the Parochial house
Leaving the parochial house. Bro. Jesus, Pascual Artero, Bishop Olano, Fr. Alban, Fr. Serafin, Vicente Martinez, Luis Duenas (father of Fr. Duenas), Fr. Blas, J.M. Torres, Pedro Martinez, Fr. Roman, James H. Underwood./On landing: Antonio Calvo in…
In Front of San Vicente Hall
In front of San Vicente Hall, Agana. Unnamed man (possibly Fr. Santiago), Jose M. Torres, Pascual Artero, Bishop Olano, Fr. Roman, possibly Pedro Martinez, Fr. Serafin, and Bro. Jesus.
The Capuchin Brothers and Priests
Row 1: Eugenio, Alban, Bishop, Ferdinand and Gil./Row 2: Seraphin, Theophane, Duenas, Bro. Jesus./Row 3: Xavier, Roman, Vicente, Bernabe.
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Para Manu Gue' I Karabao

A story written in CHamoru about common ranch animals that helps emphasizing CHamoru vocabulary relating to placement (where)