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With Jesus

Fr. Long and Michael Benito beside statue.


Statue in Benito home.

The Capuchins
Brother Jesus, Father Santiago, Father Blas, Father Eugenio, and Father Serafin

Leaving the Parochial house
Leaving the parochial house. Bro. Jesus, Pascual Artero, Bishop Olano, Fr. Alban, Fr. Serafin, Vicente Martinez, Luis Duenas (father of Fr. Duenas), Fr. Blas, J.M. Torres, Pedro Martinez, Fr. Roman, James H. Underwood./On landing: Antonio Calvo in…

A Priest, the Arteros, and the Artero children
Unnamed Priest, Pascual Artero, Jesus Artero and wife, Eugenia, whom he married in the Philippines (daughter of Bissett, owner of Upi) and their children.

In Front of San Vicente Hall
In front of San Vicente Hall, Agana. Unnamed man (possibly Fr. Santiago), Jose M. Torres, Pascual Artero, Bishop Olano, Fr. Roman, possibly Pedro Martinez, Fr. Serafin, and Bro. Jesus.

The Capuchin Brothers and Priests
Row 1: Eugenio, Alban, Bishop, Ferdinand and Gil./Row 2: Seraphin, Theophane, Duenas, Bro. Jesus./Row 3: Xavier, Roman, Vicente, Bernabe.

Father Alban and Brother Jesus
Father Alban and Brother Jesus outside the Parochial House/San Vicente Hall

Navy Chaplain and the Capuchin Brothers
Fr. Alban, an unnamed Navy Chaplain, Fr. Roman, Bro. Vicente, Fr. Blas, Bro. Jesus, and Fr. Serafin (choir leader)

Descent from the Cross (After Rubens)
A stylist rendition of Ruben’s work, Descent from the Cross. Art medium unspecified. By Edward Cruz.