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  • Tags: Monte

Wouldn't It Be Nice

MARC_GTW_v1_n26_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_004.pdf
An opinion article by Monte. Monte discusses the lack of governmental and voluntary beautification to the island in the wake of the typhoons that hit Guam

Wouldn't It Be Nice

MARC_GTW_v1_n29_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_005.pdf
A detailed fried-rice recipe from Monte

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

MARC_GTW_v1_n30_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_005.pdf
An opinion piece by Monte that discusses various topics related to the current status of the island

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

MARC_GTW_v1_n32_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_014.pdf
A satirical article by Monte – Monte discusses possible plans for the incoming election

Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

MARC_GTW_v1_n33_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_014.pdf
The staff at Guam Times Weekly express their reader’s interest into writing letters through mock letter submissions of problems and solutions

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

MARC_GTW_v1_n34_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_020.pdf
An assortment of opinions submitted for this week’s “Wouldn’t It Be Nice?”: views on politics and politicians and a post Typhoon Karen story

Wouldn't It Be Nice

MARC_GTW_v1_n35_1964_Wouldn't It Be Nice_012.pdf
Monte discusses various topics, such the Territorial versus Democratic Party debates, the incoming 1964 Election for the Eighth Guam Legislature, infrastructure, education