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The Trend Towards Juvenile Decency Photo 16
The Governor’s Committee on Children and Youth had an extremely successful youth activities program this summer. Highlights were the arts and crafts program, which offered youngsters an opportunity to study a number of handicrafts at centers…
Spotlight on Youth Photo 6
These photos show a few of the many arts and crafts exhibits displayed during the open house last week at Barrigada Junior High School
Spotlight on Youth Photo 5
These photos show a few of the many arts and crafts exhibits displayed during the open house last week at Barrigada Junior High School
Spotlight on Youth Photo 4
The most impressive moment of any camp’s day is the lowering of the flag at sundown
Spotlight on Youth Photo 3
Director of the Girl’s Camp is Mrs. Shirley Benbow, who teaches band at George Washington Junior High in Mongmong during the school year
Spotlight on Youth Photo 2
Chow time finds the girls almost as hungry as the boys who inhabited the camp the week before
Spotlight on Youth Photo 1
Several campers join on a nature study hike
Spotlight on Youth
This week’s Spotlight on Youth features a mini photo gallery from the girl’s summer youth program featured by the Governor’s Committee on Children and youth, an arts and crafts presentation at Barrigada Junior High School, and a dance at the Hong…