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Ashore in Japan Photo 13
The Pacific Islander approaches Chichi Shima in the Bonin Islands, its last stop before returning to Saipan and Guam. Small boat on deck was being shipped from Japan to Nukuoro Island in the Eastern Caroline Islands
Ashore in Japan Photo 11
Japanese sampans are seen through porthole in the author’s stateroom aboard the Pacific Islander as it was anchored in Yokohama Harbor
Ashore in Japan
An article by Janet Candland. Candland recounts the final stop of her journey, an extended stay in Japan, aboard the vessel, the Pacific Islander
Port of Palau Photo 11
The ship’s flags are hoisted as she enters Kobe Harbor, Japan
Tags: American flag, Boat, Janet Candland, Pacific Islander, Port of Palau, Sea, Ship
Port of Palau Photo 10
A few days out to sea from Palau, the Pacific Island gets a new paint job. Here a small sailor slides down a cable with his paint can
Tags: Boat, Janet Candland, Pacific Islander, Port of Palau, Sea, Ship
Port of Palau
An article by Janet Candland. Candland recounts her trip to Koror, Palau