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Personalities of Guam

MARC_GTW_v1_n12_1964_Personalities of Guam_009.pdf
This week’s Personality is George M. Bamba. Bamba is from Bamba’s Insurance Agency, and they are a representative of Capital Insurance & Surety Company, along with the Great Commonwealth Life Insurance Company of Texas. Bamba also has been a…

Personalities of Guam

MARC_GTW_v1_n20_1964_Personalities of Guam_016.pdf
A short article of Lavoice E. Thomas as a featured person on Personalities of Guam. Thomas is a foreman at the U.S. Navy Public Works Center. Thomas is from California. Lavoice is married to Katie Taitinfong and together they have four children.

Woman's Weekly

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Woman’s Weekly is a series of articles that have themes of fashion, clothes, home life, cooking, social activities and events: Club Corner; Here N’ There; Recipe of the Week; Hints – From Kay; Personalities of Guam