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  • Tags: Prison

Reaching Out Through Sports
A group of UOG students, known as the UOG Catholic Campus Ministry team, learn new things after playing basketball against a team of inmates.

Red Streaks
A short reflective piece about the color red and different time phases of the day.

Penitentiary Started

MARC_GTW_v1_n33_1964_Penitentiary Started_008.pdf
PENITENTIARY STARTED – Governor Manuel Guerrero turns over the first spadeful of earth in groundbreaking ceremonies for construction of Guam’s new penitentiary. Others in the picture are (L to R) Captain F.O. Borja, Commander of the Penal Division;…

News Weekly from the Governor's Office

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Releases from the Governor’s Office: the Officer in Charge of Construction called for bids for the construction of Guam’s new prison; applications for absentee ballots for Hawaii citizens currently on Guam are available at the Chief Commissioner’s…

Guam's Parole Board

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An article that discusses the idea and execution of parole towards incarcerated individuals on Guam. Board members of the Parole Board are: Ben Munoz, Pete Santos, Fr. Alvin Lefeir, Peggy Young, Jimmy Shintaru, Sergio Quenga, Clarence Johson, Dr.…

Always There -- Everywhere Photo

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FIRST FAMILY - in March 1962, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson received from her husband a certificate honoring her 14 years of volunteer Red Cross work with the District of Columbia chapter. President Johnson, then Vice President, was principal speaker at the…

Always There -- Everywhere

MARC_GTW_v1_n4_1964_Always There -- Everywhere_023.pdf
An article that describes the reach and prowess of the Red Cross, American Red Cross. One such event that the Red Cross took place in was when RC nurses took care of over 1000 prisoners during and after their trip from Cuba to Miami. Another project,…

James O. Shelburne

Nov 1944; Chief James O. Shelburne, USN - of a Construction Battalion on Guam, Stands Before a Newly Completed Prison Area Designed by Him

Japanese Sympathizers

Rel. 20 Mar 1945; Suspected Japanese Sympathizers in a Prison Camp on Guam

Suspected Japanese Sympathizers

Rel. 20 Mar 1945; Suspected Japanese Sympathizers in a Prison Camp on Guam