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Spotlight on Youth Photo 6
These photos show a few of the many arts and crafts exhibits displayed during the open house last week at Barrigada Junior High School
Spotlight on Youth Photo 5
These photos show a few of the many arts and crafts exhibits displayed during the open house last week at Barrigada Junior High School
Spotlight on Youth Photo 4
The most impressive moment of any camp’s day is the lowering of the flag at sundown
Spotlight on Youth Photo 3
Director of the Girl’s Camp is Mrs. Shirley Benbow, who teaches band at George Washington Junior High in Mongmong during the school year
Spotlight on Youth Photo 2
Chow time finds the girls almost as hungry as the boys who inhabited the camp the week before
Spotlight on Youth Photo 1
Several campers join on a nature study hike
Spotlight on Youth
This week’s Spotlight on Youth features a mini photo gallery from the girl’s summer youth program featured by the Governor’s Committee on Children and youth, an arts and crafts presentation at Barrigada Junior High School, and a dance at the Hong…
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I Dos Chume'lu gi Gima'

A collection of four short stories written in CHamoru about a pair of siblings.