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Who is the Guam Woman Photo 25
Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, director of the Office of Territories, speaks at the convention of the Federation of Asian Women’s Associations. Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson, assistant secretary of Agriculture, who spoke Tuesday night, is at left
Better Living Photo 3
Pictured above (at the luncheon sponsored by the Club for FAWA delegates and guests) are: (left to right) Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson, U.S. Ass’t Secretary of Agriculture for International Affairs, Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, Director of the Office of…
This Week at the Legislature Photo 2
Governor Manuel Guerrero is shown with Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson, assistant secretary of agriculture, center, and Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, director of the Office of Territories. The two officials, who were on Guam for the convention of the Federation of…
The 1964 FAWA Convention Photo 30
Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, director of the Office of Territories, speaks at the convention of the Federation of Asian Women’s Associations. Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson, assistant secretary of Agriculture, who spoke Tuesday night, is at left
The 1964 FAWA Convention Photo 17
Visiting with one of the FAWA’s honored guests at head table Saturday night are, from left to right, General Harold W. Ohlke, Commander, Third Air Division, SAC; Mrs. Thomas A. Christopher, and guest speaker Ruth Van Cleve, Director, Office of…
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
A series of releases and articles from the governor’s office.
Guerrero Proposes Tax Incentive – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero has proposed a bill that should be appealing to both local and off-island developers for projects for the island’s…
Guerrero Proposes Tax Incentive – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero has proposed a bill that should be appealing to both local and off-island developers for projects for the island’s…
Tags: Bill 266, C.F. Haywood, Carlton Skinner, Construction, Denver Dickerson, Dorothy Jacobson, economy, FAWA, Federation of Asian Women, George Izuta, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, John A. Craver Jr., migrant work, Olivia Siguenza Guerrero, Pedro A.E. Manibusan, Pedro L.G. Santos, Public Utility Agency, Robert E. Leon Guerrero, Ruth Van Cleve, social work, tax incentives, Urban Renewal Administration of Housing and Home Finance Agency, Western Governors Conference