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The Arts on Guam
The College of Guam will be producing the ‘Miracle Worker’ next week at the College of Guam Theatre. ‘The Miracle Worker’ by William Gibson, is a production about the life of Hellen Keller. Hellen is portrayed by Penny Edwards while Keller’s teacher,…
The Arts on Guam Photo 1
The young Helen Keller, played by Penny Edwards, is comforted by her mother, Kate, portrayed by Sylvia Leon Guerrero in rehearsal of a scene from the Miracle Worker by William Gibson, to be produced at the College of Guam Student Center on August 14…
The Arts on Guam Photo 2
Penny Edwards, rehearsing a scene from the Miracle Worker by William Gibson. To be produced by the College of Guam Summer Theatre Workshop August 14 and 15
The Arts on Guam
This week’s, November 21st, 1964, The Arts on Guam: New Faces Featured in Guild Production, The Guam Theatre Guild new members, Frank Dominguez, Tom Batty, Harry Sickler, Pat Reed, will feature in the Guild’s upcoming play, A Thurber Carnival; The…
The Arts on Guam Photo
THE SECRET LIFE OF MITTY. Pat Reed (with meat grinder) plays Walter Mitty in one section of the Guam Theatre Guild’s production “A Thurber Carnival.” Here Mitty performs an impossible operation, saving the life of a millionaire patient, played by Bob…
The Arts on Guam
This week’s, November 28th, 1964, The Arts on Guam: Filipinescas Receive International Applause, the Filipinescas Dance Company received thunderous applause at Germany’s Maximum Auditorium, along with newspaper recognition in Hamburg and Hamburger…
The Arts on Guam Photo 1
The Naval Hospital Chapel on Guam announces its plans to sponsor a religious Art Festival February 6 and 7, 1965. Members both adults and children, of all military chapels are invited to exhibit inspirational or spiritual works of art in the…
Tags: Agana, art, Art Festival, fine art, Nancy Inman, Naval Hospital, The Arts on Guam, U.S. Navy
The Arts on Guam Photo 2
Rehearsing for “A Thurber Carnival” which will be produced December 4, 5, 11, and 12 at Naval Hospital Auditorium are Pat Reed, as an inquiring reporter, and Marvin Neumann as a confirmed island dweller. The Theatre Guild is producing the play which…
The Arts on Guam Photo 3
Rehearsing for “A Thurber Carnival” which will be produced December 4, 5, 11, and 12 at Naval Hospital Auditorium are Pat Reed, as an inquiring reporter, and Marvin Neumann as a confirmed island dweller. The Theatre Guild is producing the play which…
The Arts on Guam Photo 4
Officers of the newly organized “Classics Club” are shown above. Seated: Ivan Carbullido, Grand Advisor; Joseph Perez, Chancellor; James Underwood, Vice Chancellor; Carl Butler, Baron of Constitution. Standing: Manuel Dames, baron of Public…