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  • Tags: Thompson

MNOWC Luncheon

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Mary Lou Gove, newly elected President of the Marianas Naval Officer's Wives Club, officiated over their meeting at the Top O' the Mar on Tuesday, February 18th. Others included are: Dottie Linaweaver, Gabrielle Hesse, Jean Ayres, Jackie Thompson,…

Better Living

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A series of articles relating to fashion, beauty, home, cooking, and social events from and of the people of Guam: Here N’ There, the return of Lovie Elliott Schlekau, at Home – in the Tropics, Hints – from Kay, Recipe of the Week, OPOWC Celebrates…

The Trend Towards Juvenile Decency Photo 4

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Members of the reception committee go over programs passed out to the participants in the day’s activities

The Trend Towards Juvenile Decency Photo 5

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Jose Leon Guerrero, member of the executive committee responsible for the success of the gathering demonstrates his strength by lifting a weight of 188 pounds

The Trend Towards Juvenile Decency Photo 6

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Torch-bearer Ben Bautista lights the grand torch at the entrance to the grounds