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- Tags: Waikiki
Five Poems
The Economics of Little Things
Tags: article, Australia, College of Guam, economics, economy, ethics, finances, Francisco G. Cruz, Government, Government of Guam, GovGuam, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Japan, Latte Stones, May 16 1964, The Economics of Little Things, tourism, tourism economy, trade, trade routes, volume 1 number 14, Waikiki, World War II, WWII
$50,000 or $75,000 Survey?
Tags: 50 Thousand or 75 Thousand Survey, aerial surveys, article, Assistant Secretary Rudolph Sablan, Congressman Jesus C. Okiyama, contract work, Department of Land Management, Editor Manuel L. Jose, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Honolulu, land surveys, May 9 1964, Pacific Governor’s Convention, property, property lines, Special Assistant Ed Engledow, volume 1 number 13, Waikiki
Editorial Comment - Three Musketeers and A Mascot at Waikiki
Tags: Assistant Secretary Rudolph Sablan, Congressman Jesus C. Okiyama, Editorial Comment – Three Musketeers and a Mascot at Waikiki, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Latte Stone, May 9 1964, Pacific Governor’s Conference, Satirical Comic, Special Assistant Ed Engledow, Taotao, volume 1 number 13, Waikiki
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Hafa Na Kulot - A'paka

An educational resource to teach children the color white using the Chamoru language and examples associated with the color.