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Guest Editorial - To Frank Isezaki Conservationist

MARC_GTW_v1_n41_1964_Guest Editorial - To Frank Isezaki Conservationist_010.pdf
An article written by Benjamin C. Stone. Stone writes on the death of Frank Isezaki and the importance of Frank’s work on the island and more

Cave Hunting
A man hunts for caves to dig up the past and forget his problems.

Disclaimer: There are explicit scenes of abuse and possible rape.

To My Little Fish

A man regrets killing a fish that he had caught with a spear gun. Inspired by/Imitation of "The Man He Killed," by Thomas Hardy.

Illegal Hunters Fined, Sentenced

MARC_GTW_v1_n42_1964_Illegal Hunters Fined - Sentenced_004.pdf
Vicente Mantanane, Freddie R. Flores, and Jose A. Camacho were sentenced to jail and fine for illegal hunting – the men were found on Route 3 with a shotgun, ammo and lights

Whale Overturning Boats (Sketch)
Sketch of whale overturning small boats. "The Whalers…"

Removing Blubber from a Whale (Sketch)
Sketch of removing blubber from a whale.

The Altruistic Student
A professor approaches a group of his colleges and tells them a tale of an altruistic foreign exchange student named SK (Splendid Karver), his home island of Long Pig Island, and his time at the University of Guam.

Content warning:
Content may not…

Haikus 1-4
A collection of four different haikus written with different purposes and emotions.

The first haiku compares summer thunderstorms to music.

The second haiku is melancholic with imagery of swimming at a beach with a black shoreline.

Third haiku…

Hinenggen I Chamorro Gi Antes Na Tiempo

Chamoru/Chamorro sayings, common idioms, and beliefs (folklore).

Translations by Pedro Blas.

1. When a butterfly enters your home, you're lucky to have a visitor.

2. When you open the umbrella inside of the house, it's bad luck.

3. When…