Browse Items (4 total) Tags: instrument Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added The 1964 FAWA Convention Photo 23 Enrique Naputi demonstrate an ancient Chamorro instrument for Vietnamese delegates Madame Duy, left, and Mis My Tran, right, during picnic given by Commissioners of Guam Tags: 1964 FAWA Convention, belembautuyan, culture, Enrique Naputi, instrument, Madam DUy, music, My Tran, picnic, tagu’a, Vietnam Belembaotuyan n/a Tags: belembaotuyan, culture, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, instrument, Jesus Crisostomo, music Roy Young Roy playing pianao before group. Tags: instrument, music, piano, Roy Benito Playing Piano Young Roy Benito playing piano. Tags: instrument, music, piano, Roy Benito Featured Item Gai Bisita Si Jobie A CHamoru story about a girl named Jobie and her encounter with a family that are in need of assistance