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A Salute to Paul Calvo
An opinion article from Manuel L. Jose. Jose comments on the decline sale of land to Paul Calvo and his brothers
Speak Out Your Minds
This week’s, November 14th, 1964, Speak Out Your Minds: an opinion from Violet Sweet on personal public image, freedom of speech and press, and democracy; an unnamed response to Sweet’s letter; and praise for the staff of the Guam Times Weekly
Wouldn't It Be Nice
This week’s issue, November 14th, 1964, “Wouldn’t It Be Nice.” Opinions include those regarding the possible unfair and unjust charges at car auto shops, costs of tourism, infrastructure regarding Government of Guam and utility buildings, and…
Our Stand on the Election
An opinion article by Byron Baker and Marjorie E. Smith. Baker and Smith give their own personal opinions, unaffiliated with the Guam Times Weekly, on the 1964 Election and the Democratic and Territorial Party
The Old Statesider Looks at Guam
An article that examines the perspective of a foreigner turned resident of Guam towards the island and culture
Wouldn't It Be Nice?
An opinion piece by Monte that discusses various topics related to the current status of the island
Just for Laffs
This week’s Just for Laffs – two panel illustrations of caricature demons voice opinions
Tags: Just for Laffs, opinion, politics, satire, Urban Renewal
Speak Our Your Minds
This week’s Speak Out Your Mind features a letter to the Independent Journal in Marin County, California, in which an anonymous writer voiced concerns animal neglect in California, of which is worse than the same problem on Guam
Wouldn't It Be Nice
An opinion article by Monte. Monte writes on the availability and youth of teenagers and their opportunities
Tags: adolescence, employment, Monet, opinion, Recreation, Wouldn’t It Be Nice
This is the Way it Appears to Me
An opinion article by Janet K. Goodwin. Goodwin discusses wordage, ‘Statement of Policy,’ from Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero about the controversial labor policy, and how undemocratic both the statement and delivery of the statement is