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- Tags: property
$50,000 or $75,000 Survey?
Tags: 50 Thousand or 75 Thousand Survey, aerial surveys, article, Assistant Secretary Rudolph Sablan, Congressman Jesus C. Okiyama, contract work, Department of Land Management, Editor Manuel L. Jose, Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Guam Times Weekly, Hawaii, Honolulu, land surveys, May 9 1964, Pacific Governor’s Convention, property, property lines, Special Assistant Ed Engledow, volume 1 number 13, Waikiki
This Week at the Legislature Photo
Tags: agriculture, Airfield, Allen Sekt, Antonita Cruz, article, Benavente, Calvo, Charfauros, Commissioner Benavente, Committee on Agriculture, Congressman Antonio B. Calvo, Congressman F.T. Ramirez, Court of Claims, Cristobal, Cruz, Guam, Guam Times Weekly, Harmon, Honorable A.L. Cristobal, Ignacia Tajalle, Jane Lizama, Juliana Perez, landowners, legislator, Legislature, Lizama, March 14 1964, Olympia Charfauros, Perez, property, property owners, Ramirez, Tajalle, This Week at the Legislature, United States, US, volume 1 number 4
This Week at the Legislature
Tags: agriculture, Airfield, article, Benavente, Calvo, Commissioner Benavente, Committee on Agriculture, Congressman Antonio B. Calvo, Congressman F.T. Ramirez, Court of Claims, Cristobal, Guam, Guam Times Weekly, Harmon, Honorable A.L. Cristobal, landowners, Legislature, March 14 1964, property, property owners, Ramirez, This Week at the Legislature, United States, US, volume 1 number 4
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I Ekonomia Guam Gi Tiempon Amerikanu

An expository essay written in Chamoru about Guam's economy under different colonial administrations.