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  • Tags: property

$50,000 or $75,000 Survey?

MARC_GTW_v1_n13_1964_$50,000 or $75,000 Survey_003.pdf
An article by Editor Manuel L. Jose. Editor Jose presents the concern in which taxpayers on Guam may have to collectively pay between $20,000 to $25,000 from a special project that Governor Guerrero and his administration; this project will be…

This Week at the Legislature Photo

MARC_GTW_v1_n4_1964_This Week at the Legislature Photo_09.pdf
Photo from article 'This Week at the Legislature.' LEGISLATURE MEMBERS AND STAFF DONATE TO RED CROSS - Cong. F. T. Rameriz, chairman of the Seventh Legislature finance committee, presents a check representing donations by the legislature members and…

This Week at the Legislature

MARC_GTW_v1_n4_1964_This Week at the Legislature_009.pdf
An article that discusses American government reparations towards Guam landowners in Harmon as the construction of the airfield there took over and obscured private property. A total of $27,000 would be appropriated for paying the acquisition and…