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  • Tags: reflection

The Last Word
An interview with Xanadu 1984's Editor (Libby Aguigui), Art Editor (Mary Ann Braden) and Advisor (Doreen Bast). In this interview, these three individuals disclose their hopes, expectations, and the overall message of Xanadu 1984.

Finding Things Inside: a play in poetry
A young girl named Michelle looks inwardly to find the answers about love and peace. A play written in poems.

Water's Reflection
A photograph of a child with long black hair who is sitting in a body of water. The water is up to the child's chin, and their eyes are possibly looking downward at their own reflection. Photography. Disclaimer: Title of image was not provided by…

Box Holder

The speaker makes an immediate juxtaposition between those who live with regrets and those who live life boldly.