Browse Items (4 total) Tags: relationship Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Analogies Two distinct metaphors were used to describe a particular couple, and how one half of the couple felt they were vital to the other's growth and successes. Tags: flying fish, growth, love, metaphor, relationship, spiral shell The Storm A man is slapped for making a choice between his two greatest loves. Tags: fishing, love, relationship Two Young Lovers (Tulei and Surech) Young Tulei wanders the jungle at night and forgets about the love and hunger of his lover. Tags: love, neglect, relationship Technobabble The relationship between the word processor and what has been processed. Tags: relationship, technology Featured Item I Karabao Gi Paingen Christmas A short story written in CHamoru that features a carabao's inclusion in the Nativity story.