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Southern Scene Photo 2
INARAJAN JUNIOR HIGH – Inarajan Junior High students root for their team in a contest with schoolteachers. The teachers won the day with a runaway score of 10-1. Ivan Duenas scored for the students with a solidly smacked ball to left field. Pivot men…
Navy Log Weekly Photo 6
AWARDED – Ralph M. Simler, CT3 accepts the second place NCS intramural softball trophy for his team, the ‘Screwdrivers’ while Lcpl. Richard Colmina, team captain of the Marines team stands by with the first place cup. Marines finished the season 9-0;…
Boonie Fair Photo 1
SOCIAL CLIMBER – A $5.00 bill at the top of a greasy pole enticed many to try the ‘greasy pole climbing contest’, one of the highlights of the Fourth of July celebration held at the CPO softball field
Spotlight on Youth Photo
Members of Saipan’s All-Star softball team, made up of players from Mount Carmel School, paid an official call on Governor Guerrero last week. They are from left to right, martin M. Borja, Eugenio S.N. Babauta, Fermin M. Sakisat, Juan A. Camacho,…
Tags: entertainment, softball, sports, Spotlight on Youth
Spotlight on Youth
A community post where public and free art classes, which will be taught by Adriano Pangelinan, will be held at Barrigada Junior High School, along with a photo of the Saipan’s All Star softball team
Commerical Port Softball Team
Photo of the Commercial Port Softball Team. The Commercial Port Softball Team are champions of the Government of Guam League softball, recently went to Saipan and won games with the Saipan All Stars and the Panapak nine
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I Duhendes Yan I Denggat

A CHamoru story of a boy who learns how they got their family name "Donggat", which is mushroom in CHamoru