News Weekly from the Governor's Office


News Weekly from the Governor's Office


Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero, tax incentives, George Izuta, Urban Renewal Administration of Housing and Home Finance Agency, migrant work, construction, Olivia Siguenza Guerrero, Western Governors Conference, Bill 266, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Denver Dickerson, Ruth Van Cleve, Dorothy Jacobson, Public Utility Agency, Robert E. Leon Guerrero, Pedro L.G. Santos, Pedro A.E. Manibusan, social work, C.F. Haywood, economy, Carlton Skinner, John A. Craver Jr., Federation of Asian Women, FAWA


A series of releases and articles from the governor’s office.

Guerrero Proposes Tax Incentive – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero has proposed a bill that should be appealing to both local and off-island developers for projects for the island’s improvements

URA Co-Ordinator Arrives – George Izuta, Honolulu, an area coordinator for the Urban Renewal Administration of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, will arrive on the island on Thursday

Labor Policy Announced – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero and Regional Administrator Glen E. Brockway signed a new labor policy that would cover the civilian and military imports of foreign workers that will supersede past agreements relating to the process of importation requests by Guam

Guerrero Named to Governors Committee – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero was appointed to the Committee on Transportation and Public Safety of the Western Governors Conference

Bill 266 Signed – Bill 266, which appropriates funds for the Workmen’s Compensation Fund and land rental payments, was signed today

Governor Reports on Mainland Trip – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero reports that the appropriation for fiscal 1965 of the Guam Rehabilitation Bill will be based before July 1st, based on word from Senators Peter Dominick and Alan Bible

Dickerson Off-Island – Secretary Denver Dickerson will attend a national conference of the National Association of Secretaries of State, which will be held in New York City

Schedules Released for Dignitaries Visits – the schedule of Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, director of the Office of Territories, along with Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson, was released by the Governor’s Office

Utility Rates Increased – The Public Utility Agency of Guam announced that the Navy increased charges for power and water bought by GovGuam effective July 1st

Social Workers Study at Schools in the States – Robert E. Leon Guerrero, Pedro L.G. Santos, and Pedro A.E. Manibusan, all have took school or have received schooling with a social work and are taking appointments in their respective fields

C.F. Haywood Arrives To Conduct Survey – Charles F. Haywood, San Francisco, director of economic research for the Bank of America, arrived on island Monday to conduct a survey of the island’s economy

Carver, Skinner Named for Planning – Carlton Skinner and John A. Craver, Jr. were named to a special committee that oversees a long range economic development plan for Guam

FAWA Days – Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero declared June 27th to 30th as ‘FAWA Days’


Guam Times Weekly


Guam Times Weekly




Guam Times Weekly


Fair Use


Publication produced by Manuel L. Jose








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News magazine that reports on government and social topics on a weekly basis between January 1st, 1964 to November 8th, 1966.

Original Format


Page Number

14, 16