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  • Tags: Marjorie E. Smith

Speak Out Your Minds Photo

MARC_GTW_v1_n43_1964_Speak Out Your Minds Photo_012.pdf
An opinion on a building structure that may cause potential damage and harm to nearby pedestrians and drivers

Speak Out Your Minds

MARC_GTW_v1_n43_1964_Speak Out Your Minds_012.pdf
An opinion on a building structure that may cause potential damage and harm to nearby pedestrians and drivers

John F. Kennedy

MARC_GTW_v1_n42_1964_John F Kennedy_018.pdf
A small tribute from the Guam Times Weekly Staff towards former U.S. President John F. Kennedy

Guam in Perspective

MARC_GTW_v1_n42_1964_Guam in Perspective_016.pdf
An article by Marjorie E. Smith. Smith talks on potential future governors of Guam

Guam's Political Destiny

MARC_GTW_v1_n42_1964_Guam's Political Destiny_009.pdf
An article by Marjorie E. Smith. Smith talks about Guam’s future political status and its possible outcomes

Guam in Perspective

MARC_GTW_v1_n41_1964_Guam in Perspective_017.pdf
Guam in Perspective is a series of short letters of and about Guam submitted to the Guam Times Weekly

Our Stand on the Election

MARC_GTW_v1_n38_1964_Our Stand on the Election_022.pdf
An opinion article by Byron Baker and Marjorie E. Smith. Baker and Smith give their own personal opinions, unaffiliated with the Guam Times Weekly, on the 1964 Election and the Democratic and Territorial Party

Jac and the Arrangements

MARC_GTW_v1_n38_1964_Jac and the Arragements_018.pdf
A personal story from Marjorie E. Smith. Smith recounts a time when her and her husband went skiing with friends and their convoluted planning

Editorial Cartoon - Steps Towards Maturity

MARC_GTW_v1_n38_1964_Editorial Comment - Steps Towards Maturity_014.pdf
An article by Marjorie E. Smith. Smith elaborates on the importance of voting in the incoming election for the Eighth Guam Legislature and the future ramifications of Guam’s political status

Notes on This Issue

MARC_GTW_v1_n36_1964_Notes on This Issue_013.pdf
A short article by Marjorie E. Smith that give notes about this, October 17th, 1964, issue: Janice J. Beaty and Rodger Over are writing articles about sea shells due to its rising popularity; a new section will be added to the Guam Times Weekly…