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  • Tags: President Lyndon B. Johnson

News Weekly from the Governor's Office

MARC_GTW_v1_n29_1964_News Weekly from the Governor's Office_020.pdf
This week’s releases from the Governor’s Office: a GovGuam picnic will be held for employees and their families this Labor Day at 9:00 a.m. at Ipao [Ypao] beach; the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Guam Agricultural Bill that reduced funds…

Guam To Elect Governor?

MARC_GTW_v1_n10_1964_Guam to Elect Governor_003.pdf
A short article that states that the US Government introduced a bill, based on former President Lyndon B. Johnson and his administration and their time on Guam, in which Guam will become a self-governing territory

Always There -- Everywhere Photo

MARC_GTW_v1_n4_1964_Always There -- Everywhere Photo_023.pdf
FIRST FAMILY - in March 1962, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson received from her husband a certificate honoring her 14 years of volunteer Red Cross work with the District of Columbia chapter. President Johnson, then Vice President, was principal speaker at the…

Cover Page Photo

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Featured photo for the Cover Page of this edition - Lyndon B. Johnson leaning on his desk looking at the camera

Always There -- Everywhere

MARC_GTW_v1_n4_1964_Always There -- Everywhere_023.pdf
An article that describes the reach and prowess of the Red Cross, American Red Cross. One such event that the Red Cross took place in was when RC nurses took care of over 1000 prisoners during and after their trip from Cuba to Miami. Another project,…

Cover Page

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The cover page has a full photo of U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson standing over his desk, with flags behind him, with the entire photo framed by a thick red border. At the bottom of the photo, is a part of a speech that President Johnson gave [date…