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  • Tags: Urban Renewal Project

Regional Office Gives Go-Ahead on URA

MARC_GTW_v1_n38_1964_Regional Office Gives Go-Ahead on URA_007.pdf
Benson I. Hattem, director of the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal, commented that the Norman D. Fitzgerald Associates company chosen for the Urban Renewal projects is a good choice

Editoral Comment - House Committee Hearings

MARC_GTW_v1_n8_1964_Editorial Comment - House Committee Hearings_001.pdf
A satirical comic - a group of people are crowding over two people, Mr. Denton, and the Governor, as the two play a game of dice - Denton has a thought bubble that reads 'What does this guy think, can't I tell a dice is loaded when I see one?' Above…