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  • Tags: marriage

Southern Scene Photo 1

MARC_GTW_v1_n41_1964_Southern Scene Photo 1_038.pdf
WEDDING PARTY – These young musicians kept the party swinging at Merizo on Saturday. The occasion was the wedding of Anne L.G. Cruz and Philip S.N. Taijeron. The couple was married at our Lady of Our Rosary church in Merizo. The couple had a fandango…

Just for Laffs

MARC_GTW_v1_n21_1964_Just for Laffs_036.pdf
A three panel satirical comic that speaks about marriage

The Traditional Chamorro Wedding
Further in-depth knowledge about traditional Chamorro weddings and the four basic steps and bride and groom are meant to follow.

The Fandango
A short informative essay about the Chamorro culture expectations of Fandango, or the wedding celebration/reception.

Finding a Mate in Asian Countries
The physical, familial, and financial struggles of educated Asian women in finding a suitable husband/partner.

The Wives' Club
A group of eight housewives gather together to talk about life and to do crimes.

Moving Car
A married couple is stuck in a car for a long drive to their new town. Along the way, old painful memories are brought up.

The Corpse Bearer
A corpse-bearer named Shankar longs for a happy normal life with a wife and children, but this dream proves to be difficult. As a corpse-bearer, it is Shankar’s duty to carry the corpse of the newly deceased to the temple to prepare it for cremation.…

A reflection on the journey it takes for two to join as one.