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  • Tags: design

The cover of Xanadu 87. The cover is designed true to the time it was published, as it utilizes various patterns and bold shapes and colors. The 80's cover has the words XANADU stacked four times on top of each other, with each letter having its own…

Abstract Pattern
A black and white design, made with various patterns all within a unique and un-identifiable shape.

Decorated Canoe
A decorated canoe sits on the shore of a beach. There are several tree-like designs along the hull of the boat, with what appears to be an eye painted on a circle with two lines beneath it nearing the front side of the boat. A sketch done entirely in…

Fashion Show Will Support Red Cross Photo 3

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Rotary Club Member Joaquin t. Charfarous makes a personal donation of $100 to the Red Cross drive at a recent Rotary Club meeting. Allen Sekt accepted the check for the Red Cross. - (Custom Color Photo)

Fashion Show Will Support Red Cross Photo 1

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Allen Sekt accepts donatoinis to the Red Cross fund drive from Mr. Watanabe, of the Ataka and Company, left; and Mr. Noyama of the Izuzu Factory, both of Japan. The visitors, here on business, stayed long enough to enjoy Guam's hospitality and make…

Fashion Show Will Support Red Cross

MARC_GTW_v1_n11_1964_Fashion Show Will Support Red Cross_017.pdf
The women of Guam, in collaboration with Town House, will host a summer fashion show to help raise funds for the Red Cross Drive. The show will be held Sunday, may 3rd, at the Youth Building at the Paseo de Susanna. Donations are also accepted at the…