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- Tags: Royal Lanes
Gun Shot Ends Joyride in Stolen Car
Royal Lanes
Tags: advertisement, Bowling, Joe Cid, Recreation, Royal Lanes, sports, Walt Parris
Royal Lanes
Royal Lanes
Tags: advertisement, Bowling, Christmas, Royal Lanes, sports
Royal Lanes
Tags: advertisement, Bowling, Christmas, Joe Cid, Royal Lanes, sports, tournament, Walt Parris
Royal Lanes
Tags: advertisement, Bowling, Christmas, Joe Cid, Royal Lanes, Santa Clase, sports, tournament, Walt Parris
Better Living
Navy Log Weekly Photo 4
Socially Speaking
The Ship Repair Facility had a gala no-host reception in honor of Admiral E.A. Wright; the party was on Thursday, April 30th at the Top O’ the Mar. Guests…
Tags: Admiral E.A. Wright, Admiral Thomas A. Christopher, Ann Shaner, article, Bea Cabreara, Beck Fanelty, Betty Kimberly, Betty Porter, Bob Fischer, Bowling, California, Captain A.C. Jackson, Captain W.F. Marshall, Carme Dolley, CDR Frank Hartin, CDR W.H. Barnett, Charlene Summerlin, Chick Harvey, Chinese, Connie Keone, Geroge Connelley, Glenda Lytle, Guam Times Weekly, Harold Burnett, Hlen Ott, I. Aquai, Jack Powers, Jackie Swing, Jane Powers, Jo Moyer, Joe Cid, Kay Dowdey, LCDR Bill Sample, LCDR Jack Gove, LCDR John Hartland, Lou Shiroma, Lt. Robert Gage, Ltjg. J.E. Singleton, Ltjg. John Naquin, Margie Smith, Marianas Women’s International Bowling Congress Guam, Mary Fischer, Mary Kowalski, May 9 1964, Michigan, Millie Mathis, Mr. Bernardo Ebeo, Mr. Clayton McKinzie, Mr. Thomas Sawyer, Mrs. A.C. Jackson, Mrs. Bernaardo Ebo, Mrs. Bill Sample, Mrs. Clayton McKinzie, Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, Mrs. Frank Hartin, Mrs. George Connelley, Mrs. Hrold Burnett, Mrs. J.E. Singleton, Mrs. Jack Gove, Mrs. John Hartland, Mrs. John Naquin, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Robert Gage, Mrs. Thomas A. Christopher, Mrs. Thomas Sawyer, Mrs. W.H. Barnett, Mrs. William Fanelty, Naval Supply Depot, OPOWC, Orote Point Officer’s Wives Club, Panciteria, Playland Bowl, Royal Lanes, Sandy Sloper, Ship Repair Facility, Socially Speaking, sports, Top O’ the Mar, Virginia, Virginia Beene, volume 1 number 13, WIBC Bowling Tournament, Yuk Moylan
Royal Lanes
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Estorian Lukeiwa I Pidus Kalahi

A CHamoru story of a young girl whose love for another is forbidden by her father, who wants her to marry someone else