Browse Items (47 total) Tags: Ship Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 5 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Germania Ship at dock. See also #69 [MARC_MC9_69_052] Tags: Dock, Germania, Marshall Islands, Ship Ship Mission ship Tags: Marshall Islands, Mission, Ship Masted Schooner Transport for students - 3 masted schooner - Japanese administration Tags: education, Imperial Administration, Marshall Islands, schooner, Ship Docking Likiep? Dry-docking Tags: coconut tree, docking, Likiep Atoll, Marshall Islands, Ratak Chain, Ship Ocean Island Ocean Island Tags: Boat, Dock, Marshall Islands, Ocean Island, Ship Regina Regina, Catholic mission schooner Tags: Marshall Islands, Regina, religion, schooner, Ship Mauno Mauno at San Francisco Tags: California, Dock, Marshall Islands, Mauno, San Francisco, Ship At Dock Germania at Jaluit dock Tags: Germania, Jaluit, Jaluit Atoll, Marshall Islands, Ralik Chain, Ship Ocean Island Ocean Island Tags: coconut tree, Marshall Islands, Ocean Island, Ship Ships at Pier GERMANIA (?) Tags: Dock, Germania, Marshall Islands, Pier, Ship of 5 Next Page Featured Item I Elefante Yan I Hirafa A short story written in Chamoru about an elephant and a giraffe.