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Editorial Comment - Walking a Tight Rope
This week’s, December 19th, 1964, Editorial Comment – The Balancing Act: a satirical illustration of Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero balancing on a top rope followed by an opinion article by Editor Manuel L. Jose
TP-DP Huddle
The Territorial and Democratic Party met at the Hafa Adai room in Hong Kong Garden to resolve issues before a legislative session
Who is the Guam Woman Photo 15
HAVING A BALL – Two young-at-heart senior citizen whoop it up at the Territorial Party meeting in Yona. The lady at the mike led the crowd in singing, and the lady on the left just had to join in for a little dancing. – (GTW Photo)
A Salute to Paul Calvo
An opinion article from Manuel L. Jose. Jose comments on the decline sale of land to Paul Calvo and his brothers
Election Recount Hearings Set
The suit against opposing sides, the Democratic and Territorial parties, of which are the congressmen elect, is set for December 9th at 2:00 p.m.
Southern Scene
This week’s, November 21st, 1964, Southern Scene: Merrill’s recap of events from Inarajan, Merizo, and Umatac – Merizo’s 4H Club hosted a community gathering; a Territorial party at the residence of Jesus A. Garrido; the christening of Timothy Q.…
Election Contested
Suits filed from both the Democratic and Territorial Party for the Eighth Guam Legislature election were filed and called for a recount of votes
Southern Scene
This week’s, November 14th, 1964, Southern Scene, by Malcolm Merrill. Merrill recounts events happening in Inarajan, Merizo, and Umatac: sports, weddings, christenings, political parties, youth projects, and community projects
Southern Scene Photo 1
RALLY – Crowds throng about ’Oley’ Oslen’s former restaurant, Inarajan, scene of a Territorial Pary mass meeting over the weekend. Territorials hope to gain a wider than usual margin in the traditionally Democratic village
Southern Scene
An article by Malcom Merrill. Merrill goes on to cover events in Inarajan, Umatac, and Merizo: a Territorial meeting in Inarajan; christenings in Merizo, Umatac; the Inarajan and Merizo 4H Clubs will host movie nights
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Hafa Na Kulot - Lila
An educational resource to teach children the color purple using the CHamoru language and examples associated with the color.