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- Tags: economic development
South Pacific Commission Plans for '65
Well What Do You Know
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Tags: Alfred Flores, April 11 1964, Bacon, Brown, Bureau of the Census, Call, Calvo, Camacho, Captain A.C. Jackson, Dale Call, David Flores, Dr. Richard D. Seddon, Dr. William Peck, economic development, Florencio T. Ramirez, Flores, Frank Perez, Goddard Space Flight Center, Government, Government of Guam, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, housing program, Ignacio M. Reyes, Jackson, Jesus C. Okiyama, Joaquin Camacho, Larry E. Brown, Law Day, Major Charles E. Teague, Manuel Calvo, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, NASA, National Housing Act, NC-X3G of Business Manufacture and Mineral Industries, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Okiyama, Peck, Perez, Proclamation No. 64-8, Ramirez, Rapp, Reyes, Robert Bacon, Robert Rapp, Section 221, Seddon, South Pacific Commission, tax, tax incentives, Teague, Territorial Emergency Planning Commission, tracking station, US 1963 Census Form, US Department of Commerce, volume 1 number 9, W.G. Garrison
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I Ko'ko' Yan I Hilitai

A short story written in Chamoru about a monitor lizard's day with a Ko'ko and other island birds.