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- Tags: Flores
U.N. Day Features Essay Contest
The Top Guam Baseball Players of the 20's and 30's
Commission Clears Dr. Mortera Board Requests Ali's Dismissal
Tags: Ada, Ali, April 18 1964, Bamba, Board of Trustees, Bordallo, Boucher, Broaddus, Cdr. C.A. Broaddus, Commission Clears Dr. Mortera – Board Requests Ali’s Dismissal, Dr. A.R. Flores, Dr. Antonio Mortera, Dr. E.M. Espaldon, Dr. F.A. Garcia, Dr. G.G. Macaraeg, Dr. Salah T. Ali, Espaldon, Felixberto Flores, Flores, Garcia, GMH, Guam Memorial Hospital, Guam Times Weekly, Harold S. Kiyuna, Hayes, Ignacio M. Reyes, John J. Hayes, Kiyuna, Lcdr. C.J. Stahl, Lcdr. W.W. Boucher, Macaraeg, Mortera, Mrs. Cecilia Bamba, Paul Bordallo, Pedro. P. Ada, Reyes, Snyder, Stahl, U.S. Naval Hospital, volume 1 number 10, Willis Snyder
Air Force Community Weekly Photo
Tags: AAFB, Agana Heights Elementary School, Air Force Community Weekly, Andersen AFB Officers Open Mess, Andersen Air Field Base Andersen AFB, Andersen Air Force Base Sunday, April 11 1964, article, Bachtelle, Bennett, Bottari, Chief Commissioner Leon Flores, concert, Department of Education, Flores, Frances Bachtelle, Guam Times Weekly, Lt. Don Bennett, Margaret Bottari, music, Nancy Wilson, Officer Wives Club, Performance, Photo, volume 1 number 9, Wilson
Air Force Community Weekly
Tags: AAFB, Agana Heights Elementary School, Air Force Community Weekly, Andersen AFB Officers Open Mess, Andersen Air Field Base Andersen AFB, Andersen Air Force Base Sunday, April 11 1964, article, Bachtelle, Bennett, Bottari, Chief Commissioner Leon Flores, concert, Department of Education, Flores, Frances Bachtelle, Guam Times Weekly, Lt. Don Bennett, Margaret Bottari, music, Nancy Wilson, Officer Wives Club, Performance, Photo, volume 1 number 9, Wilson
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Tags: Alfred Flores, April 11 1964, Bacon, Brown, Bureau of the Census, Call, Calvo, Camacho, Captain A.C. Jackson, Dale Call, David Flores, Dr. Richard D. Seddon, Dr. William Peck, economic development, Florencio T. Ramirez, Flores, Frank Perez, Goddard Space Flight Center, Government, Government of Guam, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, housing program, Ignacio M. Reyes, Jackson, Jesus C. Okiyama, Joaquin Camacho, Larry E. Brown, Law Day, Major Charles E. Teague, Manuel Calvo, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, NASA, National Housing Act, NC-X3G of Business Manufacture and Mineral Industries, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Okiyama, Peck, Perez, Proclamation No. 64-8, Ramirez, Rapp, Reyes, Robert Bacon, Robert Rapp, Section 221, Seddon, South Pacific Commission, tax, tax incentives, Teague, Territorial Emergency Planning Commission, tracking station, US 1963 Census Form, US Department of Commerce, volume 1 number 9, W.G. Garrison
GMH Medical Staff Elects Officers Photo
GMH Medical Staff Elects Officers
News Weekly from the Governor's Office Photo
Tags: April 4 1964, article, Barrigada, C.F. Naputi, Camacho, Chalan Pago, College of Guam, Cristobal, David Flores, Dededo, Department of Agriculure, elementary schools, Fine Arts Building, Flores, G.S. San Augustin, George Washington Junior High, Government, Government of Guam, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Finance and Development Corporation, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Harmon, J.C. Mendiola, J.G. San Nicolas, J.M. Stovall, Joan Merriam, Jorge Cristoabl, Library, Lt. M.D. Perez, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Marine Drive, Mendiola, Meno, Merizo, Merriam, Mongmong, Naputi, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Ordot, Perez, Photo, Proclamation No. 64-7, Public Utility Agency, Red Cross Month, Ricardo t. Guerrero, San Augustin, San Nicolas, School for Exceptional Children, Sgts. E.C. meno, Stovall, Talofofo, Trade and Technical School, V.N. Yalomo, V.Q. Camacho, Vocational Rehabilitation Center, volume 1 number 8, Wettengel, Yalomo
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Tags: April 4 1964, article, Barrigada, C.F. Naputi, Camacho, Chalan Pago, College of Guam, Cristobal, David Flores, Dededo, Department of Agriculure, elementary schools, Fine Arts Building, Flores, G.S. San Augustin, George Washington Junior High, Government, Government of Guam, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Finance and Development Corporation, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Harmon, J.C. Mendiola, J.G. San Nicolas, J.M. Stovall, Joan Merriam, Jorge Cristoabl, Library, Lt. M.D. Perez, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Marine Drive, Mendiola, Meno, Merizo, Merriam, Mongmong, Naputi, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Ordot, Perez, Photo, Proclamation No. 64-7, Public Utility Agency, Red Cross Month, Ricardo t. Guerrero, San Augustin, San Nicolas, School for Exceptional Children, Sgts. E.C. meno, Stovall, Talofofo, Trade and Technical School, V.N. Yalomo, V.Q. Camacho, Vocational Rehabilitation Center, volume 1 number 8, Wettengel, Yalomo
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Estorian I Lina'la'-na Si Sinot William S. Reyes

A brief biography about the life of William S. Reyes written in CHamoru.