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- Tags: Fiscal Year 1965
News Weekly from the Governor's Office Photo 2
To Eat the Cake and Still Have It
Tags: April 18 1964, article, Denton, Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Governmental release, Governor Guerrero, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Harrison, House Appropriation Committee, Ingling, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Mr. Denton, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Ingling, Testimony, To Eat the Cake and Still Have It, U.S. Congress, Urban Renewal, Village Development, volume 1 number 10
This Week at the Legislature
Tags: Agriculture Service, April 11 1964, Department of Agriculture, Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Times Weekly, Housing and Community Development Act of 1964, HR 10433, HR 3896, HR 9751, legislator, Secretary of the Navy, Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations, Senator Jackson, Seventh Guam Legislature, Speaker A.B. Won Pat, This Week at the Legislature, volume 1 number 9, Won Pat
News Weekly from the Governor's Office Photo
Tags: Amelia Earhart, American Battle Monuments Commission, Bill 138, Bill 162, Bill 166, Bill 196, Bill 211, Bill 215, Bill 221, Bill 250, Bill 251, Bill 255, Bill 275, David Flores, Department of Agriculture, Don Malone, Earhart, Ensign Stephen Young, Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Flores, Fort Apugan, GMH, Government, Government of Guam, Government release, Government Releases, GovGuam, Guam Memorial Hospital, Guam Retirement Fund, Guam Times Weekly, Joan Merriam, legislators, Malone, March 21 1964, Merriam, Naval Hospital, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Poison Prevention, R.A. Smith, Smith, Trade-Tech Bill, volume 1 number 6, young
This Week at the Legislature - Hayes Faces Legislators, Malpractice and Accreditation Discussed
Tags: accreditation standards, accreditation tests, article, Bamba, Cong F.T. Rameriz, Congressman Edward S. Terlaje, Congressman George M. Bamba, Fiscal Year 1965, GMH, GMH budget, Guam Memorial Hospital, Guam Times Weekly, Hayes, Jesus Okiyaya, John Hayes, March 21 1964, medical malpractice, Okiyama, Rameriz, Terlaje, This Week at the Legislature – Hayes Faces Legislators Malpractice and Accreditation, volume 1 number 6
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Tags: Amelia Earhart, American Battle Monuments Commission, Bill 138, Bill 162, Bill 166, Bill 196, Bill 211, Bill 215, Bill 221, Bill 250, Bill 251, Bill 255, Bill 275, David Flores, Department of Agriculture, Don Malone, Earhart, Ensign Stephen Young, Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Flores, Fort Apugan, GMH, Government, Government of Guam, Government release, Government Releases, GovGuam, Guam Memorial Hospital, Guam Retirement Fund, Guam Times Weekly, Joan Merriam, legislators, Malone, March 21 1964, Merriam, Naval Hospital, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, Poison Prevention, R.A. Smith, Smith, Trade-Tech Bill, volume 1 number 6, young
Pay Bill Increase Signed Photo
Tags: Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Government, Government of Guam, Government Releases, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, March 18 1964, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, volume 1 number 5, Washington D.C.
News Weekly from the Governor's Office
Tags: Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Government, Government of Guam, Government Releases, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Rehabilitation Bill, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, March 18 1964, News Weekly from the Governor’s Office, volume 1 number 5, Washington D.C.
Editorial Comment - Let's 'Plug the Bucket,' Not Kick It
Tags: Editorial Comment, Editorial Comment – Let’s Plug the Bucket Not Kick It, Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Government, Government of Guam, Governor Guerrero, GovGuam, Guam, Guam Rehabilitation Act, Guam Times Weekly, Guerrero, Jose, Manuel F.L. Guerrero, Manuel L. Jose, March 18 1964, volume 1 number 5
Budget Hearings Annoucned
Tags: article, Budget Hearings Announced, commerce, Committee on Finance and Taxation, finance, Fiscal Year 1964, Fiscal Year 1965, Government, Guam Times Weekly, Honorable F.T. Ramirez, labor and personnel, land management, law, law management, Library, March 14 1964, Medical, medical services, museum, public health and welfare, public hearing, public hearings, public safety, Public Works, Ramirez, volume 1 number 4